[ENG] 'KING of Voice' BTS JIMIN has the Beautiful Voice According to the Netizen / '음색 킹' BTS 지민, 네티즌들이 선택한 아름다운 목소리 소유자
지민의 음색에 대해 다룬 기사가 있어 번역해 보았습니다. 기사 내용을 보면 조은재 대중문화평론가 님, 유명 보컬 코치 애덤 미샨(Adam Mishan), 'Filter(필터)'의 작사에 참여한 작사팀 '당케(danke)' 등 다양한 전문가 분들이 지민이의 목소리가 황홀하고 완벽하고 균형이 잡혀 있고, 특히 음색이 정말 좋다며 칭찬을 해주셨어요.
I translated the article about Jimin`s perfect voice. Experts praised Jimin`s perfect voice and unique tone highly. His solo tracks 'Promise', 'Serendipity', 'Filter' and 'Lie' which are making records everyday are good proof that people love his voice.
Original Link/원문 링크: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/088/0000644605
+) 20.04.29
I had some mistakes at the part “Danke”. It is a team of lyricist, so I should say “they”, but I wrote “he”. Sorry for the mistake and I really appreciate ARMY who let me know about this through DM.
If any of you find other mistakes or anything strange with my translations, please let me know. I’ll fix it.
And also this is a link of “Danke”’s YouTube.
https://youtu.be/sTOtyCCooZc I might translate it later, but I’m not sure when it’ll be because the YouTube’s subtitle system is really slow.. I translated some clips but haven’t got a permission yet..😭
번역에 약간의 실수가 있어 고쳤습니다! 알려주셔서 정말로 감사하고, 다른 분들도 번역에 이상한 점 발견하시면 바로 알려주세요 💛💛 그리고 위에 추가된 링크는 필터 작사에 참여하신 작사가 팀 당케의 필터 작업기입니다. 한번 보시는 것도 재미있을 것 같아요! 나중에 외국 아미 분들도 보실 수 있게 번역할까(아마 이미 번역이 되었을 수도 있겠지만) 생각해봤는데 쉽지 않을 것 같아요.. 유튜브 자막 승인 시스템이 느려서 몇달이 지나도 승인이 안 되더라고요.. 몇달 전에 지민이랑 같이 아메리칸 허슬 라이프 찍으신 분의 리액션 영상을 번역했는데 아직도 승인이 안 났어요.. 처음 링크 보내주신 아미 님한테는 편집자 모드로 보는 법을 알려드리긴 했는데 다른 분들은 못 보시겠죠.. 하하 ㅠㅠ 따로 영상을 다운 받아서 자막을 깐 게 아니라 유튜브 시스템에서 자막 작업을 한 거라서, 계속 승인도 안 나고 그러면 언젠가 지워지지 않을까 싶습니다..
아마 블로그 읽으시는 분도 별로 없으셔서 앞으로도 아무도 모르실 듯하네요 🤣🤣 급 한숨 타임..
아무튼 다들 건강하고 행복하게 지내세요!!
Title: 'King of Voice Tone' BTS JIMIN, the possessor of the voice of gold, according to the Netizen (translated by @translation_jm)
BTS Jimin was selected as the possessor of the voice of gold, which was chosen by netizens.
North American Media KoreaBOO said “The Korean entertainment industry is filled with incredibly talented individuals, many of whom specialize in singing. Recently, a hot topic on social media was the idols who come to mind when the topic of “best voice” is brought up“ mentioning Jimin as the boy idol who has ”The Most Beautiful Voice“.
BTS Jimin has a unique tone. BTS JIMIN, who is the lead vocalist and main dancer of BTS, is in charge of most of the high-pitched parts although he is a lead vocalist, since Jimin`s rage of notes is basically quite high. He`s also called as the "killing part maker" and "introduction master" because his strength is the beautiful and unique tone.
Previously, Cho Eun-Jae, a critic of pop culture, said, "Jimin is the pillar that firmly supports BTS' songs which is mostly consisted of rap-oriented hip-hop music, and Jimin's tone is so blazing and beautiful that it is really captivating to hear it," and famous vocal coach Adam Mishan praised him saying “Jimin was especially standing out. His voice is well balanced, deep, and harmonized well, and he has his own unique vocal range definitely so everything he has, not only his tone but also his mood, is all perfect" after watching BTS` live performance.
Also, the lyricist team ‘Danke’, who participated in writing the lyrics of Jimin's solo track "Filter" in BTS' 4th full-length album "Map of the Soul:7," praised highly that Jimin's tone is so perfectly harmonized with the song that it sounds ecstatic and he`s allured, and also said they felt good hearing the hot reacts like “The voice fits so well with the song and it`s really sexy,” “Jimin`s tone is so great” after "Filter" was released, just as he was praised with the pouring compliments.
Jimin's "Filter," which was in the top 5 most streamed song in 2020 on the world's largest streaming site "Spotify," raked 4th among all BTS songs and 1st among BTS` solo tracks, gaining huge popularity for its sexy tone and lyrics.
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