[ENG] What is Busan High School of Art, Jimin's alma mater?

You would know that Jimin is a dance major. When he was young, he entered Busan High School of Art to study dance, at the top of his class. Including all entering students from all majors and all genders, he was the top. Normally, Students majoring in Music or Art usually entered at the top of class, so it is really uncommon for dance-majoring student to enter at the top of the class. That shows how excellent Jimin was both in dancing and school subjects in his youth. (The judges estimate the entering students with the performance tests and academic records in the middle school. You should be overwhelmingly excellent in both if you want to enter that school at the top of class.) In addition, he started his career in dancing later than others. He was a striving genius.

After entering the school, he majored in Modern Dance at the dance department of the school. Although he had to transfer to another school in Seoul to become trainee at BigHit Entertainment, he still has great affection to Busan High School of Art as his alma mater and he sometimes donates for his juniors and sends celebrating messages to subscription concerts of the school.  https://transltaionforjimin.blogspot.com/2020/02/eng-angel-bts-jimin-replaced-desks-and.html

Today I’m going to write about the very school, Busan High School of Art, Jimin’s proud and great alma mater. 

It was established in 1985 and it was the first and biggest arts high school in Bu-Ul-Gyeong area(Busan+Ulsan+Gyeongsangnam-do Province, usually these areas referred together since they have close associations in many aspects). A few arts high school was established then but it is still the most pronounced one in that region. Also, there could be many factors for judging the superiority of the school, but judging by the number of successful applicants of Seoul National University(the best university in Korea), Busan High School of Art got the 6th place. Other upper rank art high schools are all in capital area, so it is quite impressive for Busan High School of Art to rank a high score in that chart.

Before going into detail, I will introduce you two videos about his school.

The first one is from Yeonhap News. The reporter is Jimin’s high school senior and she interviewed Jimin’s homeroom teacher and looked around many places in the school where Jimin studied and practiced for his future, shedding his blood, sweat, and tears.

There are Korean version and English version and the content of two viedoe is not that different. So you can just watch the video with the more familiar language.

The second one is from Busan-Ilbo. The video provides the English subtitle, and it’s not that awkward. (I checked it and it is not that bad for you to understand.) If you have anything hard to understand, contact me with DM.

Watching those videos, you would understand how superior Jimin’s school is. From now on, we will look deep into the dance department.

(All information below is based on the homepage of the school.http://school.busanedu.net/pusanarts-h/cm/cntnts/cntntsView.do?mi=673686&cntntsId=5974 )

The dance department of the high school is divided into Korean dance, Modern dance and Ballet. A student should choose one as its major and brush up on  that. And also, all students must complete courses in the other two dancing as minor majors. While in school, a student can have  extensive artistic experience through dance theory, dance history, movements and creative dance as well as its practical skills. A student can also improve its performance through subscription concerts of the school that are held every year.

The dance department of Busan High School of Art has 15 qualified teachers all of which studied for master's or doctor's degrees at the graduate school, and also invite worldwide lecturers to teach students the elaborate technique and the international flow of dancing.

Thanks to the great curriculum of the school and their excellent talents, graduates are already active in the dance industry both at home and abroad, leading the dancing world as well as in Korea, and students are also making brilliant achievements in various competitions .

Those are some famous dancers who studied at the dance department of Busan High School of Art :

1. Kim Yong-Geol, the first Korean to join Paris L'Opéra Ballet. He majored in Ballet in the high school. Additionally, Paris L'Opéra Ballet is one of the oldest corps the ballet and was established in 1671 and led the ballet field in 19th century. You would understand the status of France in this field.

2. An Jae-yong, a principal dancer of 'Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo' which was established in 1932, also studied at Busan High School of Art. 

3. Sin Museop, the secondary artistic director in Korean National Ballet is the graduate of Busan High School of Art. 

And many other great dancers who work as principal dancers, soloists or members in the National Dance Company, the National Ballet Company and Municipal Dance Companies in South Korea, graduated from Busan High School of Art.

This is a part of Pod cast about graduates of Busan High School of Art. Since it is Korean, I translated it into English. I marked the reporter Kim Soo-hyeon as K, and the announcer Park Chan-min as P.

(I really appreciate armys who uploaded this audio and who sent me the link of this.)

P: That's a prestige school.
K: Yes, it really is. I thought "That's Jimin's alma mater? Wow it's truly an elite school."
P: Once you study there, you become a world-class. So does Jimin. Then, Kim Yong-Geol, An Jae-yong, and Park Jimin all came from Busan High School of Art?
K: That's right. So, An Jae-yong and Kim Yong-Geol are also from Busan High School of Art. So, when I had an interview with Kim Yong-geol, I said "By the way, these people are all from Busan High School of Art?".
P: It would be nice to gather all the dancers and entertainers from Busan High School of Art and cover them.
K: Yes, I agree. Or the school can sponsor an event......
P: Yes, gathering people who shined the school, those who are world-class......
K: Kim Yong-geol probably didn't know that Jimin studied at Busan High School of Art. I told him, mentioning that a lot of talented people are from that school. Then he asked me who else is from that school, so I told him An Jae-yong is also the graduate of Busan High School of Art. So he said he already knew Jae-yong of course, because he taught him at Han Ye-jong(annofation: Korea National University of Arts). Then he asked me back "Is Jimin the graduate of Busan High School of Art?". Then he was really surprised and said "That accounts for it."
P: What does that mean?
K: He thought Jimin's dance, his dancing steps and moves are uncommon. He said it was different and amazing. Then Professor Kim Yong-Geol said that he wants to make a meeting of Busan High School of Art and meet Jimin there once.

(This is a little wide of the subject but Pdogg also graduated from Busan High School of Art. He majored in vocal music.)

As I wrote above, Jimin's alma mater Busan High School of Art is truly an elite school where many talented dancers and artists studied.

And above all, Jimin studied there. 
So what else do we need to prove the excellence of the school. I think it's enough.


This is the end of this article, and if you have any good ideas to share with other ARMYs, please send me DM. If you have any question, also send me DM.

+) One ARMY uploaded my article on her tumblr🥳
This is the link ‪ https://tmblr.co/Zv1qGW2nqeo14‬
