[ENG/KOR] Articles about Jimin's modern dance in Black Swan / 지민의 블랙 스완에 대한 리뷰글들

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이렇게 좋은 글 써주신 꾸준블리 님천재아이돌팬 님그리고 글 보내주신 아미 님 모두 감사드려요.

Did you enjoy the performance of Black Swan released for the first time yesterday? I've been watching the video several times to fully understand BTS' glorious dances.

Many good articles about their dances were uploaded yesterday, and I translated two articles about Jimin's dance. I added couple of things about dances and as I'm not a professional dancer, there could be some mistakes. If you find one, please tell me. I will fix it right away.

And the second article I translated is better with videos in the original tweet. I will upload another version translation with the video on my twitter later.


블랙 스완은 우아한 현대 무용적 요소가 반영된 아름다운 안무를 가지고 있습니다.

현대 무용은 20세기 미국의 무용가 이사도라 덩컨이 발레를 새로운 형태로 발전시키고자 일종의 혁명을 일으키면서 탄생한 개념입니다이렇듯 현대 무용은 발레에서 발전한 형태이기 때문에 현대 무용의 동작에는 발레의 기본 자세들이 많이 반영되어 있고 이는 블랙 스완 안무에서도 발견할 수 있습니다.

발레의 기본 자세 중 포인플렉스라는 자세가 있는데포인(point)은 발허리뼈를 발바닥 쪽으로 굽히는 동작(plantar flexion)플렉스(flex)는 발허리뼈를 발등 쪽으로 발을 굽히는 동작(dorsi flexion)을 말합니다.

그리고 아래 글들에는 발레의 7가지 움직임 중 하나인 를르베(relevé)에 대한 얘기도 나오는데요를르베는 프랑스어로 '제자리에서 발끝으로 섰다가 내려오는 자세'라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다겉으로는 가벼워 보이지만 발목발등무릎을 제대로 다룰 줄 아는 사람만이 할 수 있는 아주 중요하고도 어려운 동작입니다.

그리고 드미 플리에(demi-plié)는 무릎을 반쯤 굽히는 자세를 말하는데발레의 거의 모든 동작에 기본적으로 사용된다고 합니다이 드미 플리에 자세를 취했다가 를르베 동작으로 점프하고 다시 드미 플리에 자세로 돌아오는 식으로 두 가지 동작이 함께 사용되는 경우도 많다고 합니다.

Black Swan has a beautiful choreography with the elements of modern dance.
The concept of modern dance was made by Isadora Duncan who tried to develop ballet into new types of dances. So we can find some elements of ballet in Black Swan.

One of the basic poses in ballet is ‘Point’ and the other is ‘Flex’. Point is a posture to bend the metatarsal bone to instep(plantar flexion) and Flex is a posture to bend the metatarsal bone to the sole(dorsi flexion).

And the articles I translated mention ‘relevé’, one of the seven basic movements in ballet. It means ‘standing on the tiptoe and then standing up straight’ in french. It looks light but it’s a very important and complicated posture that demands the precise control on ankle, instep and knee. And ‘demi-plié’ means ‘bending one`s knee just half.’ It is used in most postures in ballet. These two movements can be used together; A ballet dancer would do demi-plié, then jump in relevé and then come back to demi-plié again.


Original Link/원문 링크 1 (천재 안무가 팬 님)
: https://twitter.com/King_JIMIN1013/status/1222519409249419265?s=20

Wow, I am supporting the idol who performs with a beautiful relevé movement. I became a fan with his song, but now I'm really impressed with his dance too. Today's Black Swan performance was really great like the previous ones. Try Jimin's relevé and see which level you can get.(annofation: there are six levels in relevé and you can see them in the image below.) Jimin can do easily, but not for us.😉

Original Link/원문 링크 2 (꾸준블리 님)

What truly gave me the goose bumps was JIMIN. His dancing skill, dragging his feet on the floor with the perfect form of Flex(annofation: dorsi flexion) during the fast beat of Black Swan, was really cool. That' a really hard thing  to do. He was keeping the basic rule in modern dance, 'Not taking your body off the floor". That work is very easy as it seems but only Jimin was keeping this rule. 

Introduction. The flexibility of straightly stretched legs, arms, and wrist flicks. And the way he handles his eyes is so good because he is precisely using the principle of dance dropping the head(face) lastly. In dance, the head (face) should go down after all the other parts go down. The right arm fell first and then the head goes down slowly with the left arm. And there's no disconnection in the foot until he choreograph on the floor.

Looking at the floor motion, he changes his arm right away after showing a strong accent. This movement might seem to be disconnected but he dances smoothly like the flowing water using each beat skillfully. And when he stands up, he uses a jumping technique that uses the beat well in the same manner. Jimin is a real beat splitter. And he finishes that movement with perfect 'point'.

And in "Bump Bump Bump" part, Jimin bounces the chest. But if you see the bounce only on his chest, that is a misjudgement. Yes, the chest is a point, but Jimin is bouncing with every fiber of his body. Even his tip toes move together, not because he intended but because the body rebounds.

And again he handles his gaze perfectly when he dances from the 'point' motion to turn motion. Even when he's doing a simple, relaxed turn motion, he keeps the principle of dance, moving the head lastly. His head turns after all the other parts turn. Then he raises up with his body relaxed and closes his ears; in the part "Any song cannot touch my heart". There he shows a wave motion with delicate details again. Also when he raises his body giving an accent, he never shows disconnection just as before.

And this is the part I love most. The upper body and the lower body are moving just like they're separate. I really like this because the line of his body, in the movement he makes naturally and lightly just like breathing, is so elegant as if he had buttons for controlling every part of his body. And look at those detailed side lines of his feet when he runs forward.

It's really cool. It's a real basic motion, but Jimin running with the fast beat, with his feet sweeping the floor looks so beautiful. Maybe it's a matter of course...! Then just like he's trying to get out of somewhere, his arms and legs come out with strong force, but still his movement is connected naturally like what we can see in modern dance.Then he relaxes his body with breathing and it is so great.

Dance is actually a repetition of tension and relaxing because it basically moves with breath. Jimin is so good at it! And the waves of arms, legs, head and the fingertips placed in the correct beat feel so energetic and ample even though he moves with a relaxed manner, just because he gives the energy to the motion with his breath.

And there comes Jimin's relevé motion, which was so good. Relevé is the posture of ballet. Among the six levels of relevé, Jimin is in relevé posture, the 4~6th level of relevé, between the gaps of each movement. I think he changed the original movements to relevé (annofation: to emphasize the beauty of the motions) or it just came out naturally because relevé motion is embodied in his feet (annofation: because he majored in modern dance in his youth.) How beautiful his feet is!

What you need to see here is Jimin's développé(a posture straightening the legs). He shows a wave motion with the beautiful line by making a balance with the lower body using the rebound of his waist and pelvis. Then he raises his one leg in the right angle only using the power from the lower abdomen. He shows impeccable balance here.

And then another breathing for relaxing... (I want you to teach me...) This is what we call a good sense of dynamic! If you look at the end of the movement, Jimin is finishing one motion and starting the other motion at the same time, using his breath. And again shows us the detailed relevé. He never sloppify anything even it's a simple jump.

And this is a three-second short video. I put it even though it's short
because I saw a really good posture here. Jimin is arching his upper body slightly, gazing the opposite side. When he's doing this, he keeps his spine straight. (If you do this, you'd know that you cannot put the hips and the waist straightly like he does.) And then Jimin sat down with his feet left out. He is truly a specialist.

This is a video of the point dance that shows how much energy Jimin gives to the fingertips/tiptoes. In addition to the part I marked with sticker, you would notice how much power he is giving to his forearms and tiptoes, although it's a bit hidden. Dancers always use energy in every fiber of the body and so does Jimin. Wave of the chest is perfect again

Jimin's ten-second solo dance at the zenith of the performance. Isn't this an another ecstasy that Jimin presents us? The movement that might have seemed immoderate if it was done in an improper way, turns into a beautiful and swift movements by Jimin, in Jimin's own way.

And the most admiring part is that tens, or maybe hundreds of detailed muscle movements are all interconnected. In modern dance, the key point is never showing the disconnection. Every movement is in a causal relationship.

The whole movement seem to be the flap of wings and the swimming motions of the swan in the lake, just as they said in the song. As you know, swans are aloof above the water, but always moving hard under the water. So does Jimin. And again, Jimin is crossing his feet naturally , keeping the basic rule of modern dance to keep the feet on the floor.

The movement of the arms in this moment is really spectacular! Jimin's body moves along with his arms' movement, which is the driving force of the turn. When the dancers turn, they don`t turn by force. They move their arms and shoulders so their bodies turn. It's the scientific principle of turn motion. The reason why Jimin's turn looks so powerful is because Jimin manages the energy well on his arm.

In the latter part of the second verse, Jimin's movement feels more intense. The more the moves are heightened, the more Jimin cares about tempo controls and breathing, even if it's the same posture. I think it is a based on Jimin's interpretation of the song. You can also see Jimin's pelvis area that is open a lot here.

When he is dancing with the Demi-plié posture, he usually shows turn out on his tiptoe(annofation: turn-out is a terminology referring to the state when the tiptoe goes outward than the direction of the body.) It means his body is really flexible. And the wave that starts from the nod on his special way shines out in Black Swan too. (I guess ARMYs already know this too)

In the "Killin me now" part, he poses développé and then bows after managing the breathe again. I want to clap my hands to the perfect balance he shows us in that part. Honestly, it's really cool to have such a perfect balance on that fast beat. And the other point on this video is his shoulder relaxed well when he lowers his arm.

It's like a little wingbeat when he moves his hands after holding them. And then he lowers the body in the roll-down position(using the rebound). At this part of choreography, only Jimin raised his feet ethereally before the roll-down. And he rolls-up from the spine, which is a exemplary movement.(there he raises his nod faster than usual because of the beat)

And again he shows us a perfect relevé. He is truly a professional dancer. It's really beautiful and (although I didn't mentioned above) all the hand gestures that were connected and snapped fitting in the accurate beat was so special and beautiful. This is not an easy thing to do(vitalizing every point), but Jimin makes it right with his correct analysis about the song's rhythmical characteristic. Before he does the down pose, he makes abundant movements using his arms. I really was really satisfied with this delicate details and the line his shoulder makes, which is just like a diagonal line.

This is the end of my review for Jimin's Black Swan dance in the Corden show. If any other video of his Black Swan comes up, I will add here. And regardless of my tweet, Jimin is always 'cuty, sexy, lovely' and this is just my opinion, so just read it for pleasure. The END!


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