[ENG] Translation of Jimin`s commencement speech in 'Dear Class of 2020' / '디어 클래스 오브 2020' 지민이 졸업식 축사 영어 번역
This is the English translation for Jimin`s Commencement Speech in 'Dear Class of 2020.'
We already saw the eng subtitle from YouTube, but I thought you might want to understand Jimin`s words minutely. So I romanized his words, and explained the meanings for each word.
Have a nice day and happy 7th anniversary of BTS💜
"디어 클래스 2020" (유튜브 온라인 가상 졸업식)의 지민이 졸업식 축사를 영어로 번역했습니다.
영어 자막은 유튜브에서 처음 나올 때부터 있었는데요, 지민이 말을 조금 더 자세하게 이해하고 싶으신 분이 계실 것 같아서 지민이가 한 말들을 조금 더 자세하게 번역했습니다.
행복하고 건강한 주말 보내세요! 그리고 사랑하는 우리 지민이 데뷔 7주년 축하해요~💜
데뷔 70주년까지 응원할게~~
1. 여러분 안녕하세요 지민입니다.
Yeoreobun Annyeonghaseyo Jiminimnida
Hi everyone, I`m Jimin.
여러분(Yeoreobun): everyone
안녕하세요(Annyeonghaseyo): Hello/
지민: Jimin
입니다(Imnida): I am~/ sentence-closing ending
∴ Hello Everyone I’m Jimin.
2. 먼저 졸업을 진심으로 축하드립니다.
Meonjeo Joleobeul Jinsimeuro Chukadrimnida
First, congratulations on your graduation.
먼저(Meonjeo): First
졸업(Joleob): graduation
을(eul): postposition/
진심(Jinsim): sincerity
으로(euro): with/
축하드립니다(Chukadrimnida): congratulations on
∴ First, I congratulate on (your) graduation, sincerely.
3. 어, 그런데 사실은 축하보다는 걱정이 앞서는 것 같아요.
Eo, Geureonde Sasileun Chukabodaneun Geokjeong-i Abseoneun Geod Gatayo
But at the same time, I am worried for everyone.
그런데(Geureonde): But/
사실은(Sasileun): In fact
축하(Chuka): celebration
보다는(bodaneun): rather than/
걱정(Geokjeong): worry
이(iee): subjective case postposition/
앞서는(Abseoneun): 앞서+는/come before+adnominal suffix
것 같아요(Geod Gatayo): seems to, I think•guess
∴ But in fact, I think worry (about you) comes before, rather than the celebration.
4. 어디 아프지는 않은지 혹시 많이 힘든 건 아닌지
Eodi Apeujineun Aneunji Hoksi Mani Himdeun Geon Aninji
I think about your health, and whether you`re going okay,
어디(Eodi): where/
아프-(Apeu-): root for the verb ‘be sick’
-지는 않은지(-jineun Aneunji): whether/
혹시(Hoksi): perhaps, maybe/
많이(Mani): a lot
힘드-(Himdeu-): root for the verb ‘힘들다(Himdeulda)’ which means hard or exhausted
-ㄴ 건 아닌지(-n Geon Aninji): whether
∴whether you’re sick, whether you might be too exhausted
5. 그리고 모든게 엉망이 되어버린 것 같은 지금 이 시간을 잘 견디고 있는 건지
Geurigo Modeunge Eongmang-i Doe-eobeorin Geod Gateun Jigeum Yee Siganeul Jal Gyeondigo Inneun Geonji
whether you are holding on tight during a time when nothing seems to go as planned.
그리고(Geurigo): And/
모든게(Modeunge): everything/
엉망이 되어버리-(Eongmang-i Doe-eobeo-): be spoiled
-ㄴ 것 같은(n Geod Gateun): seems to/
지금(Jigeum): now
이 시간을(Yee Siganeul): 이+시간+을/this+time+object case marker/
잘(Jal): well
견디고(Gyeondigo): 견디+고/root for the verb ‘endure’+’-고(Go)’ connects the main predicate element and the auxiliary predicate element(connects the 2 verbs)
있는 건지(Inneun Geonji): whether
∴ And whether (you’re) enduring well now through thistime when everything seems to be spoiled
6. 또 요즘 여러분들의 몸과 마음이 괜찮은지 걱정이 많이 됩니다.
Ddo Yojeum Yeoreobundeul-ui Momgwa Maeumi Gwaenchaneunji Geokjeong-i Mani Doemnida
whether your body and mind are all safe and sound.
또(Ddo): Also
요즘(Yojeum): recently/ these days
여러분들의(Yeoreobundeul-ui): your/ ‘여러분(yeoreobun)’ means you or everyone+’들(deul)’ is ‘-s’+’의(ui)’ means ‘ ‘s’/
몸(Mom): body
과(Gwa): and
마음이(Maeumi): 마음(Maeum, mind)+이(iee, subject case marker)/
괜찮-(Gwaenchan-): root for the verb ‘okay’
-은지(-eunji): whether/
걱정이(Geokjeong-ee): 걱정(geokjeong, worry)+이(iee, subjec case marker)
많이(Mani): a lot, adverb
되다(doeda): be
∴ I’m worried a lot whether your body and minds is okay recently
7. 모두들 잘 지내고 계셨으면 좋겠지만, 만약 조금이라도 괜찮지 않다면
Modudeul Jal Jinaego Gyesyeosseumyeon Jokedjiman Manyak Jogeumirado Gwaenchanchi Antamyeon
I hope you are all doing well, but if things are not okay even in the slightest
모두들(Modudeul): 모두(Modu, all•everyone)+들(deul, s)
잘(Jal): well
지내고(Jinaego): 지내-(Jinae-, root for the verb ‘stay’)+고(go, this connects two verbs)
계셨-+-으면(Gyesyeosseumyeon): honorific form for the verb ’be’+if
좋겠-(Joked): root for the verb ’good’
-지만(-Jiman): but/
만약(Manyak): if
조금(Jogeum): little, in the slightest
이라도(ieerado): even
괜찮-(Gwaenchan-): root for the verb ‘okay’
-지 않다면(-Ji Antamyeon): if not
∴ It’be good(really nice) hope if everyone are staying well, but if (it or thing’s) not okay even in the slightest
8. 저희가 온 마음을 다해 위로해드리고 싶습니다.
Jeohuiga On Maeumeul Dahae Wirohaedeurigo Sibseumnida
We send you our most sincere consolation with all our hearts.
저희가(Jeohuiga): 저희(Jeohui, honorific form of “we“+가(ga, subject case marker)
온(On): All
마음을(Maeumeul): 마음(maeum, mind)+을(eul, object case marker)
다해(dahae): use all/
위로해드리고(Wirohaedeurigo): honorific form of the verb ‘give consolation’
싶습니다(Sibseumnida): want to
∴ We want to give (you) consolation with all our hearts
9. 윤기 형이 섬 속에 갇힌 것 같다고 이야기했지만
Yoongi hyeong-i Seom Soge Gadhin Geod Gaddago Ieeyagihadjiman
SUGA likened the state of today to being deserted on an island.
윤기(Yoongi): 🐱
형+이(hyeong+iee): brother+subject case marker/
섬(Seom): Island
속에(Soge): inside
갇히-(Gadhi-): root for the verb ‘be trapped•stranded‘
-ㄴ 것 같다고(-n Geod Gaddago): seems to
이야기했지-+-만(Ieeyagihadjiman): said+but
∴ Yoongi hyeong said that it seems like being desertedon an island
10. 그래도 절대 포기하시지는 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다.
Geuraedo Jeoldae Pogihasijineun Aneusyeosseumyeon Jokedsseumnida
but I hope you will never give up.
그래도(Geuraedo): but, though
절대(Jeoldae): It means “never“ in negative statement
포기하-(Pogiha-): root for the verb ‘give up’
-시지는 않으셨으면(-hasijineun Aneusyeosseumyeon): if you don’t/won’t
좋겠습니다(Jokedsseumnida): hope
∴ but I hope you’ll never give up
11. 여기 한국이라는 나라 그리고 서울이라는 도시에 나를 이해해주는 누군가가 있다는 점을 꼭 기억해주셨으면 좋겠습니다.
Yeogi Hangukiraneun Nara Geurigo Seouliraneun Dosi-e Nareul Iee-haehaejuneun Nugungaga Iddaneun Jeomeul Ggok Gieokhaejusyeosseumyeon Jokesseumnida
Remember there is a person here in Korea, in the city of Seoul, who understands you.
여기(Yeogi): here
한국-+-이라는(Hanguk-iraneun): Korea+called
나라(Nara): country
그리고(Geurigo): and
서울-+-이라는(Seoul-iraneun): Seoul+called
도시+에(Dosi-e): city+in
나+를(Na+reul): I+object case marker
이해-+-해주-+-는(Ieehae+haju+neun): root for the verb ‘understand’+verb which means ‘do something for someone’+adnominal suffix
누군가+가(Nugunga+ga): someone+subject case marke
있다(Idda): is
-는 점을(-neun Jeomeul: that
꼭(Ggok): certainly, surely
기억해주-(Gieokhaeju-): remember for
-셨으면 좋겠습니다(-syeosseumyeon Jokesseumnida): I hope you that ~, please, I‘ll be happy if you ~
∴ Please remember there’s someone, here in the country called Korea and in the city called Seoul, who understands you
12. 우리 모두 각자 다른 환경에 살고 있고, 다른 상황에 처해있지만
Woori Modu Gakja Daereun Hwangyeong-e Salgo Idgo, Dareun Sanghwang-e Cheohaeidjiman
We are all in different parts of the world, in different environments and circumstances.
우리(Woori): We
모두(Modu): all
각자(Gakja): each
다르-+-ㄴ(Dareu-+-n): root for the verb ‘different’+adnominal suffix
환경+에(Hwangyeong+e): the environment+in
살-+-고(Sal-+-go): ‘live‘+’고(go)’ connects the two verbs
있-+-고(Id-+-go): ‘be’+and
다르-+-ㄴ(Dareu-+-n): root for the verb ‘different’+adnominal suffix
상황+에(Sanghwang+e): the circumstances+in
처해있-+-지만(Cheohaeid-+-jiman): be in+but
∴ We all live in each different environments, and are in different circumstances,
13. 적어도 이 순간만큼은 우리 다 같이 괜찮다, 라고 서로 위로해주었으면 좋겠습니다.
Jeogeodo Iee Sunganmankeumeun Woori Da Gachi Gwaenchanta Rago Seoro Wirohaejueosseumyeon Jokesseumnida
But in this moment, I hope we can all give each other a warm pat on the back and say, “It`s okay.”
적어도(Jeogeodo): at least
이(iee): this
순간만큼은(Sunganmankeumeun): at (this) moment
우리(woori): we
다 같이(Da Gachi): all together
괜찮다(Gwaenchanta): It’s okay
라고(Rago): It’s used when quoting the sentence, like ‘that’ in English.
서로(Seoro): each other
위로해+주었으면(Wirohae+jueosseumyeon): console+do something for others
좋겠습니다(Jokesseumnida): I hope that ~, it’d be great if ~
∴ But at least, at this moment, I hope we can console each other all together, saying “It’s okay.”
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