#2020BTSFESTA #2020BTSProfile Your Profile that I wrote #내가써주는너의프로필
Jimin`s profile by JIN (translated by @translation_jm)
Name: JIMIN, Jimin
Birth Date/Age: 1995.10.13. / 26
Nickname: Jaman
Specialty: Liking Seokjinie hyeong(note: brother)
Hobby: Playing games
His role in the team: Disappeared Abs
What are members like to Jimin? by JIN
RM is my Cutie patootie Namjoonie.
SUGA is my (one on) the next seat to his soul.
JIN is my God-like being.
Jwehope is my cutie hyeong.
V is my B.F. best friend.
Jungkook is my cook.
What`s my good habit? Sometimes I think about ARMYs unconsciously.
What`s my charming point? Ear rings
What`s my own way for refreshing? I watch Seokjinie hyeong`s face.
Which menu do you recommend in the convenience store? Jjapaghetti with pickled radish
Who`s the member that comes to your mind most now? JK. He`s sitting next to me.
What`s the thing you do first of all when you open your eyes? Shaking head to both side like boo-boo(cutely)
Which finger do you usually put your rings on? Index finger
What`s my own know-how for overcoming the jet lag? Listening to JK`s My Time.
What`s my favorite interior accessories? Late-night meal that he left yesterday
What would you do if you can be a invisible man for one day? I`d take away Jungkookie`s bed.
Who`s the best ending fairy that I think? Handsome Seokjinie hyeong
Which job would you have now, if you didn`t become a singer? Farmer
In winter, Bench parka VS Coat? Bench parka.
For boiled potato, Sugar VS Salt? I`m allergic to it.
JK`s profile by JIMIN (translated by @translation_jm)
Name: JeonJungkook / Jun Jungkook
Birth Date/Age: 1997.09.01./ 24
Nickname: Ggyu~ >..<
Specialty: Exercising, Singing, Game, Interior (designing), Sleeping while working
Hobby: Eating, Sleeping, Exercising
His role in the team: Muscle, cutie patootie, gourmand
What are members like to JK? by JIMIN
RM hyeong(note: brother) is my leader hyeong
SUGA hyeong is my 4 years(-older) hyeong.
JIN hyeong is my oldest hyeong.
J-HOPE hyeong is my 3 years(-older) hyeong.
Dear Jiminie hyeong is my everlasting best friend, my soul brother and my precious hyeong-nim. (note: nim is a kind of title, like ‘Sir’ in Korean.
V hyeong is my 2 years-older brother.
JK drawn by JIMIN JK drew: Ggyu Jungkook
What`s your own way for refreshing? Listening to music, playing games, meeting friends, meeting Jiminie hyeong
What`s your favorite word? Rapmonster
What`s the ability you want to have! Teleportation(or instant movement)
Which menu do you recommend in the convenience store? Spicy cup ramyeon with Hot bar(note: Fish cake bar)
In summer, Fan VS Air conditioner? Air conditioner
What`s your favorite time slot? Dawn
What`s the thing you used to do in your childhood? Sleeping during the class hour, running
What`s the thing you always bring when going abroad? Speaker
I sometimes do ( ) without noticing: I sleep.
Which job you would have now, if you didn`t become the singer? (note: professional) Gamer
When`s the happiest moment? Right now
What`s the word I want to say to myself in 7 years ago? I know you`d feel it tpp, but relax a little.
What would you do, if there`s only one day left before the end of the earth? Concert with members
Tristich(3-line peom) for 7 Joo-nyeon(note: It means 7th anniversary): I`ve seen my dear hyeongs for 7 years/They mainly protected me/Ad I won the grand prize once again at the end of the year, I promised that I`ll still be with these people in the future.
J-Hope`s Profile by RM (translated by @translation_jm)
Name: JeongHoSeok j-hope~
Birth Date/Age: 94.0218 27~~@.@
Nickname: Hope~~
Specialty: Poppin, sprinking hope
Hobby: Shopping!!
My role in the team: Dance
What are members like to J-HOPE? by RM
RM is my friend.~~ (note: He should write 친구(chingu), but instead he wrote 칭규(Chinggyu). So it sound cuter.)
SUGA is my dear hyeong(note: brother).
JJIN is my oldest brother.
JIMIN is my roommate.
V is my good look(handsome).
Jungkook is my golden maknae(note: youngest brother).
J-HOPE drawn by RM: Hope~~
What`s the thing that you fell in love with these days?? Mobile game~~!
What`s the thing that should be in your home? TV and blanket~~!
What`s my good hobby? I always try to see things positively.
What`s the ability you want to have? Jungkookies`s exercising skill!!
What`s your favorite exercise? Recently, Pilates~~~!
Sometimes I do ( ) without noticing: Scratch my head
What`s the thing you`re most afraid of? Ghost and Monster @-@ 6_6
What`s the interior accessories that you most like? All sort of figures~~!
When`s the most happiest moment on your daily or in your daily lives? When lying after washing~~!!
What`s your most outstanding sense among five senses? Olfactory sense~~!
If you can order just one thing as the late-night snack on 0’o clock, what would you eat? Chicken~~~
( ) makes me Ugh: Namjoonie`s destruction(breaking things)~~
I want to shoot an advertisement of ( ): Game advertisement?!
Which finger do you usually wear your rings on? Index finger
RM`s profile by SUGA (translated by @translation_jm)
Name: KimNamJoon/RM
Birth Date/Age: 1994.09.12/27
Nickname: King of destruction
Specialty: Rap
Hobby: Going to gallery
His role in the team: Leader
What are members like to RM? by SUGA
SUGA has been with me from the first
JIN is my oldest hyeong(note: brother).
J-Hope is my friend.
Jiminie is my baby-like cute dongsaeng.(note: 동생(dongsaeng) means younger brother)
V is my riddling dongsaeng.
Jungkookie is my eternal makdoongie.(note: maknae+doongie, maknae(막내) means youngest brother)
RM drawn by SUGA: King of destruction
RM`s Q&A by SUGA
What is my movie of life? I don`t have
Who`s the best ending fairy I think? JIMIN
When`s the moment that I`m most handsome? On the stage
When`s your golden age? Now
What`s your favorite movie genre? Healing movie
What`s the most impressive book? Lifeclass (note: 인생수업, Insaeng-sooeop. There`re many books in the same name, but I think it`s the one written by Beob-ryun, the monk. This`s the link for the book. https://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=7306339)
If you can be invisible man for one day, what would you do? Sneaking in the famous gallery at dawn secretly
What’s your favorite ‘moon’? Half moon
What’s the time slot you like? 2 p.m.
What`s the happiest moment on your day? Walking while getting the sunlight
What do I want to tell me in 7 years ago? Don`t worry too much, because you`ll do it well.
What`s the thing you fell in love with recently? Game
If you should only one thing on your holidays, Sleeping on holidays VS Binge watching TV programs? Binge watching TV programs
Korean food VS Chinese food VS Japanese food VS Western food VS The rest? Hansik (note: 韓食, Korean food)
V`s Profile by J-HOPE (translated by @translation_jm)
Name: KimTaeHyeong / V
Birth Date/Age: 1995/12/30 26
Nickname: OnmaVillo~ (note: The line in Tae`s lovely song ‘Sweet Night’, ‘On my pillow’)
Specialty: Free Style (Doing everything as I want...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) (note: ㅋㅋㅋ is a kind of imitative words for laughing sound.)
Hobby: Thinking about Hobi hyeong..??... (note: brother)
His role in the team: ‘V’isual
What are members like to V?
RM hyeong is my father-like hyeong.
SUGA hyeong is my blood-brother-like hyeong.
JIN hyeong is my uncle-like brother
Hobi hyeong is my mother-like hyeong.
Jiminie is my twin-brother-like friend.
Jungkookie is my really-maknae-like dongsaeng!! (note: Maknae(막내) means youngest brother, and Dongsaeng(동생) means younger brother.)
V drawn by J-HOPE: ‘V’isual OnmaVillow~
V`s Q&A by J-HOPE
Who am I? Fool who only knows about family, Bangtan, ARMY. (note: Fool is 바보(Babo) in Korean. And also, 바보 is abbreviation of ‘바’라 ‘보’다(bara boda/look at). So fool(바보) has dual meaning in Korean. It doesn`t mean like You know nothing. It can be used in very good positive sweet way, like the one above.)
What`s your new nickname? Hobi-baragi(note: ‘~’-Baragi(바라기) means someone who only looks at ‘~’, or someone who really likes ‘~’. Sunflower is 해바라기(Hae-baragi, Hae means Sun) in Korean, because sunflowers keep looking at Sun.)
What`s your charming point? Ung-ddoong??~ (note: It means unique.)
What`s the good thing you did in your youth? Meeting BTS member!!
Who`s the member that comes to your mind when you`re sick? Jiminie
What`s your own way for refreshing? Only thinking about things that were good.
When`s the happiest moment? The moment when I brought Yeontanie.
If I can do only one thing on holiday, Sleep(O) or Binge watching TV programs
What`s the modifier that explains you best? Your hope
Which subject you like the most in your school days? Music
What`s the word for me in 7 years ago? Don`t forget that naive mind!!
What do you want to eat most now? Soda, Chinese food, Myeong* Hotdog (note: It`s Myungrang hotdog. https://myungranghotdog.com/), ’Bokbunja(Raspberry Wine)’
What would you do, if you can be an invisible man for one day? Roaming the street!!
If you should take the selfie now, which member would you like to take the most now? Hobi hyeong??~
JIN’s Profile by V (translated by @translation_jm)
Name: Jin/ JIN
Birth Date/Age: 92/12/4 29
Nickname: Ajae(note: It means middle-aged man or mister.)
Specialty: Game
Hobby: Fishing
His role in the team: Vocal
What are members like to JIN? by V
RM is my leader.
SG is my rapper.
JH is my smiling angel from heaven.
JM is my humor virus
V is my comrade
JK is my dongsaeng.(note: brother)
JIN drawn by V: Ajae JIN
JIN`s Q&A by V
What’s the ability you want to have? The ability, that if I imagine something I want to eat, it appears in front of me
What`s your favorite movie genre? Action
What`s the thing you`re most afraid of? Everything. Crybaby.
What do I want to tell me in 7 years ago? Jwan~
What`s your good habit? Thinking ARMYs?
New nickname! Jwan~
Who`s the member that comes your mind most now? V, since I`m writing this, he`d imagine me.(note: Imagine what he`d write)
In summer, fan VS air conditioner? Air conditioner
In winter, bench parker VS coat? Bench parker
What`s the first word when you pick up the phone? Hello, V~
What`s your favorite moon? Round Moon
What`s the food that you can eat 7 times a week? Hansik. (note: 韓食, Korean food)
What`s the thing you do first of all, when you open your eyes? Cellphone
Tristich(3-line peom) for 7 Joo-nyeon(note: It means 7th anniversary): Chil(7)chil ie/ Kettle / Health at the end of the year
(note: Someone who`s not chilchil(칠칠) is someone who`s clumsy. So Chilchil-ie means someone who takes or prepare things well. I don`t know V`s intention, but it means like this.)
SUGA`s Profile by Jungkookie (translated by @translation_jm)
Name: Min yoongi MIN SUGA
Birth Date/Age: 930309/28
Nickname: Yunkimin
Specialty: Bursting through right at the moment when something he knows comes out (note; It means he talks or explain if it`s about something he knows)
Hobby: Breathing
My role in the team: Father
What are members like to SUGA? by JK
RM is leader
JIN is hyeong. (note: brother)
Hope is dongsaeng (note: younger brother)
Jimin is maknae 3 note: maknae means youngest brother.)
V is maknae 2
Jungkook is maknae 1
SUGA drawn by JK: Yunkimin MIN SUGA
What’s the time slot you like? Night
What`s the thing that should be in your home? Bed
What`s the thing you fell in love with recently? Mobile game
What`s your most outstanding sense among five senses? Auditory sense
In winter, Bench parka VS Coat? Coat
What`s the thing you do first when you open your eyes (in the morning)? Breathing
Your know-how for overcoming the jet lag? Enduring without sleeping
What`s the first word when you pick up the phone? Hello?
What`s the food that you can eat 7 times a week? Hoe (note: Raw fish)
What`s your favorite moon? Full moon
What`s the thing you certainly bring when you go abroad? Notebook
What`s the subject you most liked in your school days? Economics, Social studies, Korean History, History
What would you do if there`s only one day left before the end of the earth? Sleeping or Meeting people.
If you can do only one thing on your holidays, what would you do? Sleeping or Binge watching TV programs? Sleeping
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